CHANGE    PRIN Progetto di ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale        Contact and History in Ancient Grammar of Europe

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Lingue antiche e sistemi scrittorî in contatto
Sapienza Università di Roma, lunedì 27 e martedì 28 maggio 2024
Locandina   Programma   Abstract

Terzo incontro di studî del progetto di ricerca
Università per Stranieri di Siena, lunedì 23 e martedì 24 gennaio 2023
Programma, abstract e locandina

Secondo incontro di studî del progetto di ricerca
Università di Napoli «L’Orientale», giovedì 20 e venerdì 21 gennaio 2022

mercoledì 13 gennaio 2021




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Ancient and Late-Antique Near and Middle East

  • Interference phenomena between Greek and Anatolian: Anatolian mediation of oriental words entering Greek and Greek heterographs/allographs as clues to phonological oppositions not signalled in the source language; relation between the Anatolian languages of the 1st mill. and Greek (also in writing ) [Research Unit of Rome];
  • writing forms in the Iranian area from the Achaemenid to the pre-Islamic phase in terms of possible signs of variation or interference (bilingual or plurilingual competence of the writers); impact of Greek and Aramaic on the middle-Iranian writing traditions and Greek-Parthic linguistic interaction [Research Unit of Rome];
  • evolution of Greek from the classical period to the eastern koinè and Byzantine Greek through comparison with the parallel Syriac tradition [Research Unit of Rome];
  • Linguistic and cultural contacts between archaic Greece and pre-classical Anatolia between the second and first millennium BCE [Research Unit of Siena].

Ancient and Late-Antique Italy and Sardinia

  • Latin epigraphs from the Italic Peninsula and Sardinia, including transcriptions in Oscan and (Neo)-Punic, where heterography is a diagnostic instrument for the phonological interference between diverse systems and an interpretative key to later Romance developments (Sardinian and, perhaps, African vocalism) [Research Unit of Pisa];
  • contact phenomena between languages and writings in ancient Italy, and, in particular, the influence of Greek and Latin scripts upon languages like Oscan (whose heterographs reveal morphological peculiarities) and the divergence between language and graphic system (Latin texts in Greek characters and Greek texts in Latin characters), with indications for the study of linguistic change for both sides [Research Unit of Naples].

Ancient and Late-Antique Africa

  • diffusion of Greek and Latin writing systems in the Nile Valley and Roman Africa [Research Unit of Naples];
  • Graphic interference phenomena as clues to phonological change in the late Latin epigraphy of Tripolitania [Research Unit of Rome];
  • ostraka and papyri from Tripolitania and Egypt [Research Unit of Rome];

Greek-Latin translations and the text of the Bible

  • the translations of Roman official documents destined for the Greek-speaking Eastern area of the Roman empire and the interference between the two languages at various levels of investigation: graphematic and phonological (Greek transcriptions of Latin anthroponyms), morpho-syntactic (the introduction of the article, absent in the “matrix language”, into the “target language”) and lexical [Research Unit of Pisa];
  • Analysis of the ancient Latin translations of the Bible in relation to the Greek text and, as far as the Old Testament is concerned, also to the original Hebrew text [Research Unit of Siena];
  • the Greek text of the Bible and its Latin translations, as well as documents of the 1st-3rd centuries A.D. (e.g. the Gospels and the apocryphal texts), in order to determine the influence of Greek on the morphosyntax of Late Latin (periphrastic forms, etc) [Research Unit of Pisa].

Other soundings

  • Romance texts in Greek script in southern Italy [Research Unit of Rome].
  • Edition and analysis of Graeco-Romance texts between the Middle Ages and the Modern era [Research Unit of Siena].