**Linguistic and cultural contacts between archaic Greece and pre-classical Anatolia ** The Siena Research Unit endeavours to study the linguistic and cultural relationships between the Greek and Anatolian worlds in the second and first millennia BCE. About a century after the decipherment of Hittite and the identification of Greek names in cuneiform documents, this research field has received a new impulse, mainly thanks to the advnances in or understanding of the so-called "minor" Anatolian languages (especially Luwian, Carina, and Lycian). Our studies within the PRIN project will deal with all levels of linguistic analysis (phonetics/phonology, morphosyntax, lexicon and semantics) and will also focus on the cultural context by using linguistic and philological methodologies. **Select bibliography** Bachvarova, M. 2016, //From Hittite to homer. The Anatolian Background of Ancient Greek Epic//, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bianconi, M. 2015, //Contatti greco-anatolici e Sprachbund egeo-micrasiatico. Stato della ricerca e nuove prospettive//, «AGI» 100/2: 129-178. Bianconi, M. 2019, //The Linguistic Relationships between Greek and the Anatolian Languages//, DPhil Thesis, University of Oxford. Bianconi, M. (ed.) 2021, //Linguistic and Cultural Interactions between Greece and Anatolia. In Search of the Golden Fleece//, Leiden/Boston: Brill. Collins, B.J. – Bachvarova, M.R. – Rutherford, I.C. (eds.) //Anatolian Interfaces: Hittite, Greeks and their Neighbours. Proceedings of an International Conference on Cross-Cultural Interaction (September 17-19, 2004, Emory University, Atlanta, GA)//: Oxford : Oxbow: 135-141. Cotticelli-Kurras, P. – Giusfredi, F. 2018, //Ancient Anatolian languages and cultures in contact: some methodological observations//, «JLR» 16/3-4: 172-193. Dardano, P. 2013, //Lingua omerica e fraseologia anatolica: vecchie questioni e nuove prospettive//, in M. Mancini – L. Lorenzetti (edd.), //Le lingue del Mediterraneo antico. Culture, mutamenti, contatti//, Roma: Carocci: 125-150. Dardano, P. 2015, //Le iscrizioni bilingui licio-greche: tipi e funzioni a confronto//, «SSL» 53: 207-226. Dardano, P. 2017, //Hittite and Homeric phraseology compared: introducing the soliloquy in the Homeric and Near Eastern epic//, in F. Logozzo – P. Poccetti (edd.), //Ancient Greek Linguistics: New Perspectives, Insights, and Approaches//, Berlin: de Gruyter: 791-809. Dardano, P. 2020, //The accusative of respect in Homeric Greek as evidence for language contact//, in M. Leiwo – M. Vierros – S. Dahlgren (eds.), //Papers on Ancient Greek Linguistics. Proceedings of the Ninth International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics (ICAGL 9). 30 August – 1 September 2018, Helsinki//, Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica: 1-29. García Ramón, J.L. 2011, //Idiome in der hethitischen Literatur und in der griechischen Dichtung: anatolische Lehnübersetzungen oder indogermanische Phraseologie?//, in M. Hutter & S. Hutter-Braunsar (Hrsg.), //Überlieferungsprozesse, Textstrukturen, Ausdrucksformen und Nachwirken. Akten des Symposiums vom 18. bis 20. Februar 2010 in Bonn//, Münster: Ugarit Verlag: 83-97. García Ramón, J.L. 2012, //Eredità, prestiti, mutamenti comuni nel lessico e nella morfosintassi delle lingue indoeuropee: il caso di anatolico e greco//, «SILTA» 41/3: 425-439. Gasbarra, V. — Pozza, M. 2019, //Percorsi lessicali nel Mediterraneo orientale antico//, Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso. Gusmani, R. 1968, //Il lessico ittito//, Napoli: Libreria scientifica editrice. Hajnal, I. 2018, //Graeco-Anatolian Contacts in the Mycenaean Period//, in M.A Fritz – J. Klein et al. (eds.), //Comparative Indo-European Linguistics. An International Handbook of Language Comparison and the Reconstruction of Indo-European//, Berlin : de Gruyter: 2036-2055. Lazzeroni, R. 2006, //La codifica dell’allativo in greco e in ittita. Contributo allo studio dell’area linguistica circumegea//, «AGI» 91: 106-111. Melchert, H.C. 2014a, //Greek and Lycian//, in G. Giannakis (ed.), //Encyclopedia Of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics//, vol II, Leiden/Boston: Brill: 67-70. Melchert, H.C. 2014b, //Greek and Lydian//, in G. Giannakis (ed.), //Encyclopedia Of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics//, vol II, Leiden/Boston: Brill: 70-71. Oettinger, N. 2002, //Die griechische Psilose als Kontaktphänomen//, «MSS» 62: 95-101. Oreshko, R. 2018, //Anatolian Linguistic Influences in Early Greek (1500-800 BC)? Critical Observations against Sociolinguistic and Areal background//, «Journal of Language Relationship» 16/2: 93-118. Puhvel, J. 1991 Homer and Hittite, Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck. Rutherford, I.C. 2020, //Hittite Texts and Greek Religion Contact, Interaction, and Comparison//, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Simon, Z. 2018, //Anatolian influences on Greek//, in Ł. Niesiołowski-Spanò – M. Węcowski (eds.), //Change, Continuity, and Connectivity. North-Eastern Mediterranean at the turn of the Bronze Age and in the early Iron Age//, Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz: 376-418. Skelton, C. 2017, //Greek-Anatolian Language Contact and the Settlement of Pamphylia//, «CA» 36: 104-129. Watkins, C. 2001, //An Indo-European Linguistic Area and its Characteristics//, in A. Aikhenvald & R.M.W. Dixon (edd.), //Areal Diffusion and Genetic Inheritance. Problems in Comparative Linguistics//, Oxford : Oxford University Press: 44-63. Watkins, C. 2007, //The Golden Bowl: thoughts on the New Sappho and its Asianic Background//, «CA» 26/2: 305-324. **Online resources** https://www.ediana.gwi.uni-muenchen.de https://www.hethport.uni-wuerzburg.de/HPM/index.php https://www.hittitemonuments.com https://hittitetexts.com http://luwian.web-corpora.net/luwian_corpus/search